September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ΔΕΗ announces tariff

Green tariff ΔΕΗ for January is 13.6 cents – significantly lower than the prices set in 2023.

How tells CNN Greece, the charge for January is 13.635 cents per kilowatt-hour for consumption up to 500 kilowatt-hours per month and 14.595 cents for higher consumption. The night tariff is set at 11.155 cents per kilowatt-hour, and the flat rate is 5 euros per month.

In December, the price of electricity on the exchange fell to 102 euros per megawatt-hour, so ΔΕΗ tariffs are even lower than initial estimates. Retail prices in 2023, with horizontal government subsidies, were at the level of 15-16 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Announcements from all suppliers are expected today and will be submitted to the regulator and presented together to allow consumers to compare and choose.

Starting yesterday, January 1, all consumers automatically switched to the “green” tariff, with the exception of those who stated that they preferred another of the available products. Our publication about the nuances of “color” tariffs told previously.

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