July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Light shows, elegant skyscrapers and festive fireworks: the world welcomed the New Year 2024 with optimism, but without illusions

The New Year’s Eve in the USA and Europe was bright and colorful. The theme of this year’s light performance was inclusivity.

Across Europe, people celebrated 2024 at iconic monuments and landmarks.

Most European capitals organized memorable festive events: in Rome and Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam, colorful lights burst into the sky last night. People said goodbye to 2023 – the year of wars and new challenges.

While European capitals were taking the baton of celebration from the southern hemisphere, America was just getting ready for the start of holiday shows. The world greeted 2024 with optimism, but without illusions.

In New York, Times Square traditionally remains the epicenter of the celebrations: tens of thousands of people there counted the seconds until the symbolic descent of the huge glowing “Time Ball.” More than a ton of confetti rained down on the jubilant crowd in the first seconds of the New Year… A time of joy against the backdrop of the heaviness of the past year and fears for safety in the future.

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