July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek couple found themselves at the site of a massacre in Prague

Antonis Angelides and his wife witnessed a massacre in the center of the Czech capital – everything happened before their eyes: “People ran in panic.”

The Greek couple was on vacation in Prague and it was only by luck that they did not find themselves in the very epicenter of events:

“Some time ago we drove right past the place where the incident occurred. We parked right there and walked a few meters, that is, we approached the castle of the old city and saw a panorama of the whole incident. Then people ran in panic. We heard the sirens of ambulances. It became clear that something serious had happened. At first we didn’t understand what happened.”

Mr. Angelides was shocked when he learned more information. Talking about dramatic moments during shootingas a result of which 14 people were killed and 24 were injured, he noted that from the first moment everything scene of the incident was cordoned off by police and ambulances:

“No one could get through. From where we were we could see panicked people running everywhere, lots of ambulances with sirens on. There was panic at the scene and in the surrounding streets. It was very crowded during the shooting.”

Mr. Angelides said he parked his car near Charles Bridge, one of Prague’s busiest streets. At that moment, there were a lot of people at the place where he and his wife were, writes newsbeast.gr. After the incident, he says, there was very limited traffic on the streets of Prague: “We saw police everywhere with patrol cars, directing people in different directions. I believe the investigation at this location will continue and traffic there will be blocked.”

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