July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A policeman seriously wounded during the riots will undergo a second operation today

The policeman injured during the disturbances outside the Melina Mercouri indoor gym in Renti on Thursday, December 7, during the volleyball match between Olympiacos and Panathinaikos, was taken to the operating room today, Friday, for the second time in 24 hours.

Initially, doctors at the Nikia General Government Hospital said that although the injured policeman’s condition was stable, the next 48 hours would be critical. The 31-year-old policeman was taken to Γενικό Κρατικό Νίκαιας late Thursday evening, where he underwent the first operation for damage to the femoral artery.

The young man was hit in the left thigh by a flare and lost too much blood before an ambulance could get him to hospital. She was not on duty that day, but the emergency room was opened on an emergency basis to provide first aid to the police officer. The medical report states, quotes CNN Greece:

“At 22:00 on December 7, 2023, a 31-year-old man Υ.Α.Τ. της was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital by ambulance. ΕΛ.ΑΣ., 31 years old, with hemodynamic instability, in a comatose state, without a photomotor reflex (φωτοκινητικό αντανακλαστικό). The patient had a thin bandage on the wounded surface of the left thigh, extensive hematomas and burns of the thigh, universal subcutaneous emphysema ιζομηρίου και οσχέου και καθολικό υποδόριο εμφύσημα). Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation were performed, and resuscitation of severe hemorrhagic shock was started.

At 23:00 the patient was transferred to the operating room, where resuscitation measures continued with massive transfusions of blood and its derivatives, high doses of vasoconstrictor drugs. At 11:25 p.m., cardiac arrest occurred, CPR was performed, and he regained consciousness 10 minutes later. At 23:55, after temporary stabilization of the condition with high doses of vasoconstrictor drugs, surgical treatment of the wound of the left thigh was performed.

Extensive muscle damage was noted, a metal bullet measuring 5x2x2 cm and other metal fragments in the area of ​​the femoral vessels were discovered and removed. Blast injuries to the superficial femoral artery and vein and their branches were also discovered, which were ligated to stop bleeding as part of damage control, surgical debridement and removal of dead tissue, wound irrigation and dressing were performed. The patient, in serious general condition, was transferred at 01:30 on 12/08/2023 to the intensive care unit of our hospital, where he was hospitalized in critical condition.”



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