July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Arakhova: Unprecedented efforts aimed at finding the husky tormentor

An unprecedented effort by police and local authorities is aimed at finding the person who abused the husky dog. The incident is under the personal control of the highest officials of Greece: the Minister of Labor, the Minister of Citizen Protection and the Deputy Prosecutor General.

It is reported that dozens of capital detectives have arrived in Arachova and have already established the place where the brutal abuse of the huskies took place, which caused a huge public outcry, and from the local population there are accusations of cover-up and “omerta”.

Police sources told iEidiseis that the brutal incident, which also led to the death of a dog named Oliver, took place behind a central tavern in the area.

According to police sources, the arrest of the criminal is now a matter of time, while both the Minister of Labor Adonis Georgiadis and the journalist Anti Vulgari take a clear position in favor of “sanctions” that could be imposed on the population of Arachova if his identity is not revealed revealed.

Anger over “omerta” – information that they even had their cameras snatched away

The unprecedented abuse suffered by the dog named Oliver forced the competent deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Anastasia Masura, to intervene, ordering an urgent investigation to establish the identity of the criminal and transfer him to the Livadia prosecutor’s office.

However, in a conversation with MEGA, the President of the Panhellenic Federation against Cruelty to Animals, Maria Pultidou, said: “The omerta that reigns is simply incredible. I cannot believe that a criminal is walking among them, and they are indifferently whistling as if nothing is happening.”

According to new information reported by the TV channel, it is possible that surveillance camera footage from a store adjacent to owner Oliver’s home was destroyed after a camera or two was ripped from its mounts overnight.

Adonis Georgiades: the city of Arachova will pay a heavy price as its inhabitants are suspected of hiding atrocities

Adonis Georgiades has issued a call to residents of Arachova amid the shocking case of a Husky being brutally abused and raped.

In particular, the Minister of Labor called the crime “shockingly inhumane” and called on the local community of Arachova to help the authorities arrest the criminal through X (formerly Twitter),

He even warned the city’s residents that “if our Society is suspected of covering up a crime, Arachova will pay a heavy price as a tourist attraction.”

“This crime is shockingly inhumane. The local Arachova Society must help the authorities apprehend the criminal or criminals who committed it. If our Society is suspected of covering up the crime, Arachova will pay a heavy price as a destination[туристическое направление]”, – he said.

Post by Adonis Georgiadis:

In tweets under the minister’s post, threats are already being made to city residents, where they report the cancellation of reservations.


Meanwhile, three of my friendly couples, who had booked all together for Christmas in Arachova, canceled the booking – correctly, in my opinion – because two of them have a dog and they are looking for it in Trikala-Corinthia and Kalavryta, somewhere they found yesterday, I think…

Residents of Arachova must pay for this terrible crime, others say.

PS If you think this is all frivolous or satire, you are mistaken. “Animal Defenders” and the top management of Greece, who did not care at all about the tragedy in Tempi, where 51 people died, calls for the entire city to be subject to sanctions and collective responsibility. Deprive Arakhov of tourists during the peak season, a time when residents of this not particularly wealthy city receive tourists.

However, it doesn’t matter how to distract the population from problems, The main thing is that the population does not think about the problems of prices, low wages and how to survive until the next salary. So they let the crazy “animal defenders” go ahead, who ready like movie characters 12 monkeysdestroy all of humanity for the sake of “animal freedom.”

But the authors of this ingenious plan do not think that sooner or later they may sooner or later fall into their own trap. But that is another story.

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