July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metropolitan of Piraeus claims homosexuality causes cancer and slams SYRIZA leader

“Physical homosexuality is scientifically linked to five forms of cancer” – Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus states in his article, where he criticized the leader of the leftist party SYRIZA Stefanos Kasselakis.

“Kasselakis publicly brags about being a role model to an unhappy young man [Тайлером]whom he calls his husband”writes the Metropolitan.

“The leader of SYRIZA publicly brags about the unhappy young man whom he calls his ‘husband’ and with whom he entered into a ‘marriage’ in an overseas country, indirectly pointing to a model for the lives of young people and exposing his deviation as supposedly normal,” the bishop wrote, warning At the same time, “I must sound the alarm about the possible softening of the rejection of the undermining of human ontology and the desecration of human physiology that is the tragic bodily practice of homosexuality.”

“The physical practice of homosexuality of both sexes is the surest path to carcinogenesis. This is a medical truth that is artificially suppressed, since physical homosexuality is scientifically blamed for the five forms of cancer.”writes Seraphim.

The cause of carcinogenesis is widespread in the world, unexplored “human papillomavirus HPV, 40 out of 100 types of which cause cancer, as well as the HIV virus (GLOBOCAN – International Agency for Research on Cancer – IARC), as is usually written about in modern online publications,” – noted the clergyman.

“Therefore, the question is not only moral and spiritual, but above all social and medical, concerning the health of young people who are misinformed about the upcoming tragic death from cancer, due to the inversion of human ontology,” – Bishop Seraphim emphasized.

He further argued in sufficient detail, explaining “functions of the digestive system”and warned about “septic death, so anyone undergoing a prostate biopsy is required to take a ten-day course of a multipotent antibiotic.”

The 67-year-old ultra-conservative Bishop Seraphim of Piraeus is a sworn enemy of homosexuals and has even accused “international Zionist monster” in passing a controversial bill on the rights of same-sex couples.

Full text of Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, published by the publication ekklisiaonline:

“I will start with the obvious. I respect every person and honor his God-given freedom, which irrefutably proves our innate origin, because if we were a random fusion of cells and a product of unconscious evolution, we would have no choice.

Therefore, I respect the new leader of the official opposition party and honor him as a fellow human being.

As a member of the Body of Christ, the Orthodox Church, I believe in the gospel commandment, “Judge not, lest ye be judged” (Matthew 7:1) and in Paul’s inexorable question, “What is your judgment of another?” (Rom. 14:4) It is not given to me to pass judgment on my neighbors, but out of the duty of my humble ministry I am obliged to monitor the psychosomatic health of the Shepherd of Christ entrusted to me, branding with shame the disgusting evil of the ancient winged one, trampling on man and belittling him ontologically.

Because, in this way, the new president of SYRIZA-PS publicly boasts about the unhappy young man whom he calls his “husband” and with whom he entered into a “marriage” in a transatlantic country, indirectly setting a pattern for the lives of young people and exposing his deviation as an imaginary normality I must sound the alarm against the possible abandonment of the undermining of human ontology and the disruption of human physiology that is the tragic physical practice of homosexuality.

I have many times publicly testified to the faith of the Orthodox Church, the holy apostles and the holy theocratic fathers regarding the canonical crime of sodomy, the “colophon of evil,” as St. Chrysostom calls it, which forever deprives a person of communion and participation in the life of God.

Today I will point out the tragic consequences and mortal physical danger of this extra-human deviation, which medical science is well aware of and reports, despite the fact that the “neopagan” internationalist system promotes the dehumanization of a person by attaching the label “homophobe”, or abolishing the corresponding crimes associated with innate instinct, or by removing “deviations of innate instinct” from the universal psychiatric code, or by institutionalizing these deadly deviations in parliaments as supposedly legitimate goods and human rights, or by criminalizing criticism of deviations and persecuting any serious opposition.
At this point, it may be recalled that, as the Epoch Times exposed, the US federal government has spent $4.1 billion on global initiatives to advance the LGBT+ agenda.

Therefore, we understand the scale of the problem and misinformation.

The physical practice of homosexuality of both sexes is a sure path to carcinogenesis. This is a medical truth that is viciously suppressed because the physical practice of homosexuality has been scientifically implicated in five forms of cancer.

The cause of carcinogenesis is the predominant “human papillomavirus HPV” in the immortal, 40 out of 100 types of which cause cancer, as well as the HIV virus (GLOBOCAN – International Agency for Research on Cancer – IARC), as is usually stated in modern online publications.

Thus, the problem is not only moral and spiritual, but primarily socio-medical in nature and concerns the public health of young people who are misinformed about the inevitability of tragic death from cancer, due to the inversion of human ontology.

It goes without saying that the desensitized body constantly sheds bodily excrement and harbors millions of microorganisms, both pathogenic and non-pathogenic, which, if entered into the body by other means, cause septicemic death, which is why everyone who undergoes a prostate biopsy is required to undergo a ten-day course of polyvalent antibiotics.

Regarding the imaginary progressiveness and openness of American society, projected by the mainstream media on the occasion of the “marriage” of the new head of the official opposition, regarding imaginary human rights and equality for behavior that does not correspond to human ontology and physiology, since it is not a person’s right to drink water with his ear or eat hand, I dedicate a similar event recorded many centuries ago in tragic human history, about the pioneer of “same-sex marriage”, the gay Roman Emperor Nero, who was saved by the famous historian Cassius Dio of Nicaea.

“The progressive Nero, who embodied the dreams of imitators of his deeds, was the first prominent figure of antiquity to marry a man. According to the historian Cassius Dio (2-3 century), Nero had a double marriage. He castrated a teenage boy named Sporus, dressed dressed like a woman in a spectacular dress, christened him Sabina and married her as his wife.

At the same time, he married another young man named Pythagoras, who was supposed to play only the role of a man. (Cassius Dio of Nicaea, Roman History, Epitome of Xyphilinus, S178, f. 10-20).

As soon as the marriage of Nero, who actually maintained an incestuous relationship with his mother Agrippina, took place, a decree was issued obliging all conquered provinces to celebrate this joyful event.

Naturally, Nero’s marriage was celebrated as a holiday in Greece. A similar version of the marriage of Nero and Sporus was conveyed to us by Suetonius (Nero, XXVII-XXIX).

Finally, I quote, as a reminder of the enduring Greek opposition to the overthrow of human ontology, article 332, from ch. 5 “Laws” of the great legislator of Ancient Athens Solon: “If Athenaeus is corporate, let not nine rulers be born, let not the priesthood be born, let not the demos be united, let not the prince be born, let neither the endeme, nor the supreme, nor the herald, nor the ordainer be born , neither the ordained, nor the watchman, nor the opinion, nor the opinion, nor the opinion, nor the entrance to the municipal sanctuaries, nor the wreaths in the common halls, nor the exit to the market square, nor the exit to the market square.

And serious questions arise: given this grim reality of death and disease, can any government of reasonable people, no matter what ideological and political platform it comes from, legislate cancer and death as legitimate goods and equate the family to the 21st article of the current Constitution, which is called “the basis for the preservation and development of the nation, since marriage, motherhood and childhood are under the protection of the state,” with a psychopathological subversion of human ontology and physiology – homosexuality?

And yet, the same article 21, paragraph 3, stipulates that “the state takes care of the health of its citizens.” Is this concern consistent with the institutionalization and promotion of homosexual “marriage”, the medical consequences of which are cancer and death?

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