September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The President of Slovakia opposed military aid to Ukraine

Slovak President Zuzana Caputova, citing the results of the parliamentary elections and the victory of the Smer-SD party in them, opposed the provision of a new package of military assistance to Ukraine. Robert Fico’s party promised voters “not to give Ukraine a single bullet.”

According to the Slovak portal Dennik N, the Slovak Ministry of Defense was considering the possibility of providing Ukraine with another package of military assistance. It could have been transferred earlier, during the presidency of the technocratic government of Ludovit Odor, but President Zuzana Caputova, politically responsible for the cabinet, opposed it. writes “A country”.

In a comment to the publication, presidential press secretary Martin Strizhinets said that Zuzana Caputova thus “respects the results of the democratic elections,” the winner of which Fico promised voters “not to give Ukraine a single bullet.”

The President of Slovakia was asked to explain the words of her representative that she did not support the transfer of a new package of military aid to Ukraine due to a change in government, which is likely to oppose the provision of aid to Ukraine. Chaputova is currently conducting consultations. Adviser to the President of Slovakia on Foreign Policy Jana Kobzova in a commentary publication “European Pravda” said:

“The current Slovak government, which is resigning, has constitutionally limited powers. The political parties that are currently negotiating the possible formation of a government are opposed to providing military assistance to Ukraine.”

According to Caputova, the approval of the military aid package by the current outgoing government will create a risky precedent for a change of power after any future elections, the spokeswoman stressed. At the same time, she recalled that the military assistance provided by Slovakia to Ukraine is the largest that the country has ever provided, and in per capita terms, one of the largest provided by any other country:

“President Caputova has been a strong supporter of such assistance from the very beginning and has communicated with the government to support it, including following President Zelensky’s recent visit to Slovakia in July.”

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