May 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukraine promised legal problems for draft dodgers after their return to their homeland

Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, warned that after returning home, Ukrainians currently hiding abroad will face serious “legal problems.”

During an interview with Russian journalist Yulia Latynina, Podolyak noted that there will be court decisions against fugitives who purchased fictitious certificates and traveled abroad, since such a document is a manifestation of a corrupt act, quotes edition “Country”:

“Based on this, it will be necessary to apply to the courts of those countries where they are located as refugees with certain legal statuses to have this abolished, and to prove in the courts of these countries that the person did not receive the certificate properly.”

At the same time, he acknowledged the complexity of the legal procedure for extraditing draft dodgers from Western countries – after all, they believe that a person has the right to be afraid to fight. Therefore, one should not hope for a massive return of these people, says Podolyak:

“But there will be registers of those who received fictitious certificates, and then they will have problems upon returning to Ukraine, legal procedures will take place. If they do not return voluntarily now, then when the war is over, they will have certain legal problems – the grounds will be clarified for whom they left the country.”

Our publication previously reported that Germany will not to hand over mobilization evaders to Ukraine – it has not found a legal basis for this. But in Ireland and some other countries it is not so calm. For example, in Ireland, men from Ukraine received fake extradition letters. Who the author is is still unknown. The sender is listed as the Irish Ministry of Justice, and the letters stated that they had received a request for their extradition to serve in the Armed Forces.

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