July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A protest organized by residents of flood-affected areas was dispersed by police

Residents of Larisa came out to a protest meeting, expressing their complaints to the authorities about insufficient assistance to all those affected by the flood.

While the city was flooded and residents fought to save their homes, only members of the KKE and a few exhausted municipal employees were on their side. The state apparatus once again demonstrated its “selectivity”: MAT detachments and the police came out to suppress the rally.

“Larissa was drowning in the pouring rain, and to suppress the discontent of citizens… the police were brought in,” the protesters claim. The assembled trade unionists and representatives of mass organizations demanded a meeting with the regional governor, but officials and the IAT prevented them.

The MAT special forces went so far as to deny entry to the city hall to Zisis Garaliakos, the regional councilor for Thessaly for Popular Mobilization and deputy member of the district civil protection.

“They count profits and losses, we count human lives,” protesters shouted. They condemned the inappropriate attitude of the state apparatus towards the problems of citizens and dispersed to different areas of the city to independently continue the struggle to save their homes and property.

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