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The State Department commented on the negotiations between Erdogan and Putin on the grain initiative (video)

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met September 4 in Sochi, but … did not agree – the expected breakthrough did not happen.

Despite this, CNN, citing a statement by a representative of the US Foreign Office, informsthat the State Department welcomes Turkey’s efforts to restore the “grain deal”:

“We welcome the efforts of Turkey and other countries to persuade Russia to return to the agreement. We are working with the United Nations and with Turkey, who have put a lot of effort into making the Black Sea Grain Initiative possible and effective.”

The State Department spokesman added that Russia’s decision to end its participation in the initiative “harms societies vulnerable to food insecurity around the world.” The ministry thanked Turkey for “its important diplomatic and operational efforts” aimed at reaching a new agreement.

Meanwhile, Putin said that the agreement on the export of grain, writes “European Truth” can be restored within a few days, but only if the West fulfills Russia’s conditions.

The agreement, which Moscow canceled in July, allowed Ukraine and Russia to export grain without the risk of attacks on their ships. But Vladimir Putin has long complained that the West is not honoring the deal. According to him, it can be resumed if the West fulfills its obligations, quotes President of the Russian Federation Euronews:

“As I said more than once, we were simply forced to make this decision – I mean Russia was forced – because Western countries have blocked and continue to block the implementation of the” grain deal “in terms of ensuring access for Russian agricultural products to world markets. That is, they refuse to withdraw the export of our grain and fertilizers from sanctions, to resume deliveries of agricultural machinery and spare parts to Russia, to remove problems with the logistics and charter of ships, banking services and insurance of food supplies.”

After negotiations with the head of Turkey, he said that Moscow was not ready to immediately return to the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which it thwarted in July. Putin noted that Russia is close to completing the supply of free grain to six African countries. But Erdogan, who helped broker the Black Sea deal, said the deal remained the only acceptable solution:

“The alternative proposals on the agenda cannot offer a sustainable, secure and permanent model based on cooperation between the parties comparable to the Black Sea Initiative.”

Russia and Ukraine are among the world’s largest grain exporters, and this deal is important for food security in many developing countries. At a joint press conference with Erdogan in Sochi, Putin said:

“Russia will be ready to revive the grain agreement and will do it as soon as all the fixed agreements are fulfilled.”

In parting, Putin wished Erdogan a happy journey, and he thanked him “for everything.”

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