September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The “lesser evil” “won”? How we voted in the May elections, and what will happen on June 25

Polling companies are frantically searching for an answer to the question of why their predictions regarding the pre-election alignments turned out to be so far from the results of the May 21, 2023 elections.

Reasons for New Democracy’s triumph in the May elections are sought by pollsters that asked people why they chose the party they voted for on Sunday. In particular, a new survey conducted by the company about peoplestudies the results of elections, highlights the criteria by which citizens voted, how they chose the party they voted for.

The poll sheds light, in particular, on the quality of the election campaign and how they will vote in the re-election. According to the survey, “better functioning of the state”, “positions on the economy” and “foreign policy and national issues” were quite high. These are the questions in which New Democracy invested its strength and resources, although sometimes its words did not coincide with the facts.

In contrast, citizens showed little interest in the immigration issue, the Tempi crime, and the wiretapping scandal, with opposition invested primarily in the latter two.

Also, 49.1% said they chose the least bad party, while 48.2% made a positive choice by voting for the party because they thought it was the best.

Women and youth voted more negatively, as did PASOK voters (only 28.9% positive). The largest number of positive votes was given to ND – 58.4%.

It is worth noting that 31.2% of voters said they feel very close to the party they voted for, 41.6% – quite close, 23.2% – neither close nor far, and 3.8% – far.

84.5% of respondents believe that the dialogue between the parties is at a low level, as accusatory statements prevail, rather than proposals, while a similar proportion (84.1%) would prefer that party leaders show more respect for each other.

It should be noted that on election day, six out of ten respondents said they would prefer new elections, and 93% of them said that they would definitely take part in them.

Seven out of ten said they would definitely vote for the same party again, 15.7% would probably vote for the same party, 4.6% would vote for another party, and 12.4% were undecided. Higher “cohesion” in ND – 85.8% and in SYRIZA – 74%.

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