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Zelensky held telephone conversations with Xi Jinping

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke on the phone with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and said it was a “long, meaningful” conversation.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says that the initiator of the conversation, which lasted almost an hour, was the Ukrainian side. As a result of the conversation, China will send its representative to visit Ukraine and other countries for consultations on a settlement, Xi Jinping said, and former Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui will head a Chinese special delegation for the peaceful settlement of the “Ukrainian crisis,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said. On President’s website Ukraine can be found in the press release.

The full version of the statements of Chinese leader Xi Jinping after a conversation with Vladimir Zelensky is given by Chinese television, it was published by the Ukrainian edition “A country”:

  1. Sino-Ukrainian relations “have gone through 31 years of development and have reached the level of strategic partnership.”
  2. The “complex evolution of the Ukrainian crisis” had a serious impact on the international situation, and China has always stood on the side of the world in this matter. “The main position is to induce peace and facilitate negotiations.”
  3. Xi proposed four items for joint consideration and three for reflection. On this basis, China built its settlement document.
  4. China is “neither a party nor a creator” of the conflict, “what China is doing is quite honest.”
  5. Dialogue and negotiations are the only way out, because “there is no winner in a nuclear war.”
  6. All stakeholders must remain calm and restrained when considering and resolving issues, and truly focus on the future of their destiny and all of humanity, in order to jointly manage and control the crisis.

“The Chinese side will insist on establishing peace and facilitating negotiations, and will make its own efforts to stop the war, cease fire and restore peace as soon as possible. To this end, China will send a special representative of the Chinese government for Eurasian Affairs to visit Ukraine and other countries to conducting in-depth communication with all parties on a political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis,” Xi Jinping said.

Washington and Brussels hailed telephone conversations between the President of Ukraine and the leader of China. European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer said:

“This is an important, long overdue first step for China to fulfill its responsibilities as a member of the UN Security Council. The Chinese leadership must use its influence to force Russia to end its war of aggression, restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and respect its sovereignty as the basis for a just peace.”

White House National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby on Wednesday, April 26, said:

“We welcome the news that a telephone conversation has taken place between Chairman Xi and President Zelensky. We think this is a positive development. Whether it will lead to any meaningful peace movement or plan or proposal, I don’t think we’ll know right now.” .

The Russian Foreign Ministry also reacted to the conversation:

“We note the readiness of the Chinese side to make efforts to establish a negotiation process. We see a broad consonance of our principled approaches with the provisions of the “position document” of the Chinese Foreign Ministry dated February 24.”

The Washington Post’s China correspondent Christian Shepherd tweeted that former Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui could become China’s special envoy to resolve the full-blown conflict in Ukraine. This was also stated by Yu Jun, Deputy Director of the Department of Europe and Central Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. In 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Li Hui with the Order of Friendship, recalled Christian Shepherd.

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