September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Development minister names supermarkets fined for product speculation

Five leading supermarket chains have been fined a total of 382,497 euros, Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis said on Thursday, revealing the names of the offenders.

The largest fine, which is also the second-heaviest in Greek history, has been imposed on Dutch chain AB Vassilopoulos, which faces a $319,900 bill.

Lidl Hellas, a subsidiary of the German budget chain, was fined $26,880. Although this is below the shame threshold of 50,000 euros, the authorities announced her name because this company repeatedly violated the ministry’s regulation regarding food prices in the so-called. “home basket”.

In addition to the ever-memorable Lidl, Galaxias and Kritikos were named as recidivists, who also have to pay 21,387 and 9,330 euros, respectively. Another network, whose name has not been released, was fined 5,000 for the first violation.

“The fines are imposed on the recommendation of DIMEA, which is tasked with audits and control checks in many supermarkets,” Minister Georgiadis said. He explainedthat a violation of the law on speculation is “a different price on the shelf and at the checkout.”

Minister notedthat “the fines do not mean that these networks generally break the law all the time. In one network, inspections showed that there had been a violation of the rate of return on some goods in the consumer basket and a large part of the goods were out of the basket, in the other there were no goods from the list of the so-called. “home basket“We don’t play games here,” reportedly stated minister.

Georgiadis also presented a special “Lenten Basket” goods at a lower or control price for the holiday of Clean Monday and the period of Orthodox fasting before Easter on April 16.

In addition, he announced that the usual “Home Cart”, consisting of basic items offered at lower prices, will include added 60 new items.

New additions to the basket include legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas), fresh chicken and cold cuts, shelf-stable milk, chocolate and white cheese with feta.

Goods in “Lenten Basket” will include halva, traditional sauces such as taramosalata and frozen seafood.

At the same time, he gave the supermarket a month to make product labels more visible on the shelves.

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