September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Escalation: US urges US citizens to leave Russia immediately

Relations between the United States and Russia escalated, after which the US Embassy urged Americans leave Russia. Such exhortations are usually heard just before the expected armed clash, the severance of diplomatic relations or, in the case of the Russian Federation, new, tougher sanctions.

At the same time, the US Embassy warns American citizens that American credit cards will no longer work on the territory of the Russian Federation and it will be impossible to transfer money electronically due to the sanctions imposed on Russia.

“Russia can refuse [гражданам США] in recognizing dual citizenship, depriving them of access to US consular assistance, subjecting them to mobilization, preventing them from leaving Russia and conscripting them into military service,” said in a statement.

The embassy added that US citizens wishing to leave Russia should take independent measures for this, since the diplomatic mission is limited in its capabilities. For the same reason, the embassy may experience difficulties in providing services to American citizens in the Russian Federation.

In addition, US citizens were advised to avoid “any political or social protests” and not to photograph security personnel at such events.

“Russian intelligence agencies have arrested American citizens on false charges, discriminated against American citizens in Russia through detention and harassment, denied them fair and transparent treatment, and sentenced them to secret trials or without providing credible evidence,” the US embassy said. “Russian authorities arbitrarily enforce local laws against U.S. citizen religious figures and have launched questionable criminal investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activities,” the statement added.

Last January, the FBI reported that Russia had filed a lawsuit against a US citizen on charges of espionage.

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