September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Gangs of minors in Attica: bloody attacks have increased

The growth of juvenile delinquency has crossed the “red line”. Three incidents of attacks on minors occurred from Wednesday evening until this morning in Petroupolis, Haidari and Heraklion (Attica). At the same time, one of the victims, a 17-year-old teenager, was taken to the hospital.

According to ΕΛΑΣ, yesterday, at about 20:00, at the intersection of Riga Feraio and Fessalias streets (Petroupoli district), two street bandits attacked and immobilized a 15-year-old teenager. After the beating, the youngsters took the guy’s mobile phone and disappeared from sight. About an hour later, on Kerkiras Street in Haidari, two attackers, threatening with a knife, immobilized 14-year-old and 16-year-old teenagers and took away their mobile phones. At 2 am, unknown persons beat and stabbed a 17-year-old teenager near the ΗΣΑΠ station in Neo Heraklion. The minor managed to get to the police station on his own, from where the guy was urgently transported to the hospital.

Four minors who stabbed and robbed a 15-year-old boy in Nea Smyrni (29.01.23), are also members of the gang. The police are still investigating to identify and apprehend the perpetrators.

Despite the fact that the video presented is one year old, the situation is still “awful”.

The grandfather of the boy who was attacked in Haidari spoke on the ANT1 program Good Morning Greece. An elderly man told and described an attack his grandson suffered while walking with a friend in the evening. According to him, a group of underage “criminals” set up an ambush, and when the boys passed by, they stopped them and, threatening with a knife, demanded mobile phones and money, saying: “otherwise we’ll sew it!”.

For his part, Georgios Kalliakmanis, head of the Police Union of Southeast Attica (πρόεδρος Ένωσης Αστυνομικών Νοτιοανατολικής Αττικής), spoke about the actions of underage gangs against peers. As stated in ΕΛΑΣ, in 2022, Greek law enforcement agencies had to investigate 5,000 (!) Similar cases, writes According to Mr. Kalliakmanis, despite the fact that over the past 2.5 years, the DIAS team has been strengthened and patrols in the areas have been strengthened, juvenile delinquency has not decreased. The expert stressed that “there are problems with young people, with their upbringing.”

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