September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Tatoi: damaged tomb of former King Constantine

The tomb of the former king Constantine on the estate of Tatoi was damaged. The strongest wave of bad weather that hit Attica was to blame.

Serious health problems in the past few months have been exacerbated by his recent re-infection with the coronavirus. The first time a positive test result was in January 2022, and in December 2021 the former monarch was hospitalized with pneumonia. The Greek authorities decided to
burial place of the former King Constantine in Tatoi

A powerful cyclone that engulfed the entire country and damaged many infrastructure facilities also “broke down” the tomb of the former King Constantine. Live News reporters were at the burial site and recorded the damage. Repairing the damage and restoring the appearance of the grave began immediately. In the concrete that covered the tomb around the perimeter, gaps formed where rainwater accumulated. Currently, the grave already has a presentable appearance, in contrast to yesterday’s “horror”.

As a reminder, on January 10, 2023, at the age of 83, Former Greek king Constantine dies.

Serious health problems in the past few months have been exacerbated by his recent re-infection with the coronavirus. The first time a positive test result was in January 2022, and in December 2021 the former monarch was hospitalized with pneumonia. The Greek authorities decided to burial place of the former King Constantine in Tatoi.

Funeral of the former King of Greece Constantine II took place on January 16th.

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