July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Rocket engine ends up on Romanian beach

On the Romanian coast, on a spit along the Razelm estuary, an object carried by the waves was found. Experts identified it as a rocket engine.

As informs Digi24, part of the rocket was found on the coast adjacent to the Gura Portiței hotel on the evening of January 15th. From there, several tens of kilometers to the southernmost point of the Odessa region and the city of Vilkovo. Romanian services identified the object as a rocket propulsion engine. The Dobruja Emergency Service commented on the incident:

“It was taken away and will be handed over to the relevant structures of the Ministry of Defense. The object does not pose any danger, it is a component that moves the missile.”

General Staff of the Romanian Naval Forces informed January 16, that the detected element does not contain pyrotechnic and hazardous materials, and is a starter tube of a 57E6 anti-aircraft missile launched by the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile system (according to NATO classification SA-22 Greyhound) manufactured by the Russian Federation, which, rather In total, during recent hostilities in the northern Black Sea region, it fell into the sea and was carried out by sea currents in the region of the Romanian coast.

Over the past year, sea mines have repeatedly washed up to the coast of Romania and Bulgaria. As our publication previously reported, mines drifting in the Black Sea cause UN concern. Only in March, with the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the first two mines were discovered in Turkish territorial waters, the third – in Romanian. The Black Sea region is critical for food supplies, and merchant ships do not have sufficient visibility to detect sea mines, nor the ability to quickly maneuver around them.

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