September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The 29-year-old mother stated that "did not follow the child"

An unexpected turn in the case of a young mother who changed her testimony after a second investigative experiment at the scene of a tragic incident.

According to well-informed sources, as soon as she arrived at the scene (09/01), she stated that she wanted to change her testimony and confessed that the child had fallen into the water.

Around 10 am on January 8, a 29-year-old woman, accompanied by police, arrived at the Aliakmonas dam in the vicinity of Veria, where a little girl was found dead in the icy waters. In her testimony, she denied the charge of premeditated murder, which she is accused of, saying that she visited the dam, allowing the baby to play near the lake of Agia Varbara: “I did not throw her into the water. She crawled and fell into the lake, and I didn’t notice it, ”she said, while looking regretful that she had left a helpless child unattended. “If I could go back in time, I would like to help my child,” the woman told a court official.

A court officer was present at the scene, and the confession itself was filmed by a police officer. The accused was recognized as being in custody after her statement to the investigating judge. The judge has filed a request for a psychiatric examination, which is expected to be completed in the next few days, after which the accused will be transferred to prison under temporary arrest.

The young woman reportedly suffers from chronic psychological problems and has been repeatedly hospitalized, and her lawyer, who spoke to public television, did not confirm the relevant information but left open the possibility, if true, that she could have been the main line of defense in her case.

Describing his client, the lawyer described the woman as “a person who, until yesterday, was not aware of the incident. She asked and asked again, she wanted to see her child. She asked many times if he was alive or dead. And of course you can’t accept charges under any circumstances. On the contrary, she refused it. The woman denied the charge of manslaughter in a calm mental state and with malicious intent.

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