September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Shock: thousands of Greeks will lose benefits

The news that thousands of beneficiaries have lost their heating, rent, EE (KEA) and KOT (social electricity tariff) allowance due to the increase in the assessment scale of the total value of real estate caused great concern among the people of Greece.

According to the information, the government “submits for discussion” an adjustment property value limittaken into account for the provision of social benefits OPECA, in order to thousands of vulnerable households have not lost benefits.

The Ministry of Finance has already received several letters from beneficiaries who are losing benefits due to the new objective value of real estate, with the result that a solution is now being sought that will at least cover those who need support to cope with living expenses.

A typical case is with ΕΣΑμεΑ, which on Wednesday in a letter asked about the need to change the conditions for inclusion in the social tariff for people with disabilities, chronic diseases and their families. The protests are justified, as they have recently had to face, along with a multi-year crisis, an unprecedented wave of inflation, including for basic necessities, electricity, fuel, etc. The letter cites hundreds of messages from people with disabilities protesting against “ losses” CAT.

Here are just some of the benefits that are at risk of being lost (or already lost) due to an increase in objective real estate prices:

  • The minimum guaranteed income, which takes into account the total taxable value of the property, which must not exceed €90,000 in total for a one-person family, is increased by €15,000 for each additional member, up to €150,000.
  • The housing allowance, where the total taxable value of the household’s immovable property does not exceed EUR 120,000 for a one-person household, is increased by EUR 15,000 for each additional member, up to a maximum of EUR 180,000.
  • Social household tariff DEIfor whom the total objective value of his immovable property cannot exceed the amount of 120,000 euros, for families or other large households, the limit of 120,000 euros is increased by 15,000 euros for each additional member, up to a maximum limit of 180,000 euros.
  • Subsidized heating. Property value limits are EUR 180,000 for each unmarried and EUR 300,000 for a married beneficiary.
  • Discount (50%) on ΕΝΦΙΑ. The beneficiary of an exemption of up to 50% on ΕΝΦΙΑ is any taxpayer whose total objective property value is up to 85,000 euros if he is single, 150,000 euros if he is married without children, and 200,000 euros if he is married, has one or two dependents.

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