July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Shock: farmer killed 31-year-old wife and their child

The double crime committed in Kavala by the head of the family, who brutally dealt with his loved ones, shocked the public.

The crime took place this morning, 30/09, in the village of Lekani (Kavala). A 56-year-old man shot his 31-year-old wife and their newborn child with a hunting rifle and then committed suicide. According to preliminary information, the killer and his “civilian” wife (cohabitant) have recently lived separately. However, conflicts over custody of their child, who was 10 months old, became more frequent. The fatal “reference point” that brought the man into a frenzy was the message of his “ex” that she was going to leave, taking the baby with her.

How it all began

The woman “on her own business” came about six years ago to the village (her mother’s homeland), as well as where her grandparents lived from Germany, where she grew up.

Here she met a farmer, with whom she had taken up and lived together for the past few years, and had given birth to a child by him less than a year ago. The couple was unmarried, but the man acknowledged the child.

On the eve of the tragedy, they had child custody trial won by his mother. According to preliminary data, recently the spouses had violent “showdowns”, since the young mother could no longer endure the dull life in the village (the last one in the mountain range of the region).

How the tragedy happened

According to kavalanews.gr, this morning the farmer allegedly offered to go for a walk in the mountains together. The woman agreed, although she was very afraid, and therefore asked a neighbor to call her every half an hour. Also, according to kavalanews.gr, it was during a walk on the mountain that the tyrant killed his beloved and their child, and then committed suicide.

According to the Proininews website from Kavala, the woman intended to leave for Germany with the child to settle family matters, since her father had recently died, and probably did not plan to return to Greece.

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