September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Athens International Airport is confidently moving towards the status "green"

The joint activity of the Greek AEGEAN and HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group made it possible to start flying on environmentally friendly aviation fuel from the Athens International Airport.

Companies continue to plan for sustainable air travel, with flights from Greece’s largest airport now operating on SAF* sustainable aviation fuel. After the first successful refueling of SAF in the Hydrant airport system by EKO, a subsidiary of the HELPE Group, yesterday, AEGEAN is now able to supply its aircraft with sustainable fuel, and Athens International Airport is strengthening its position on the map of green airports in Europe. AEGEAN President Eftikhios Vassilakis said:

“We are particularly pleased that just one month after signing an agreement with HELLENIC PETROLEUM for the first clean aviation fuel program in Greece, we are able to supply our aircraft with SAF from Athens Airport as well. sustainable transport lies through collaboration, quick solutions and practical innovative solutions, even if they are the first small step in an ongoing effort that must be continued and intensified in the future to address the challenge of climate adaptation.”

HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group CEO Andreas Siamisiis (Ανδρέας Σιάμισιης) notes:

“Just one month after announcing our intention, we have launched AEGEAN aircraft refueling with SAF sustainable aviation fuel at Athens International Airport. Greece is now on the green aviation map as it has double representation in the list of only 9 European airports where you can purchase SAF fuel We demonstrate our desire to be present in this new era knowing that the challenges of the current energy crisis are actually accelerating development in EU energy transition to cleaner forms of energy.

Director General of Athens International Airport Yiannis Paraskis said with satisfaction, quoted CNN Greece:

“The first delivery of SAF at Athens International Airport, which has already achieved carbon neutrality at its facilities, marks another important step in our quest to address environmental challenges. Today’s delivery of sustainable aviation fuel is the result of coordinated action by all stakeholders over the past months and practices demonstrate our common commitment to the sustainable functioning of the aviation sector in our country.We would like to thank our partners AEGEAN and HELPE, as well as OFC Aviation Fuel Services SA, which is responsible for the operation of aviation fuel facilities at the airport.We remain committed to continuing our efforts to address the climate crisis.”

SAF (Neste MY Sustainable Aviation FuelTM) is produced by NESTE from 100% renewable waste and residual raw materials such as used cooking oils and animal fats. Provides an average of 80% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to conventional aviation fuel throughout its entire life cycle.

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