July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The mother of the British man who died in Spata: "He was wonderful"

The tragedy in Spata took the life of a 21-year-old Briton. Its details have become known.

The parents of the deceased Jack Fenton did not rest in Greece with him, as reported by the media. He went to Mykonos with friends and the parents of one of them. About the tragedy his mother Victoria learned at 10 pm on Monday, while at her home in Tonbridge (Kent). She talks about her son who went to boarding school at Sutton Valence in Maidstone:

“We only found out about the incident at 10pm on Monday. We are completely devastated. He was the most wonderful boy. I think the pilot is in custody, but it looks like it was the most terrible accident. Jack went to Greece with friends who noted they have their birthdays there.Our family stayed in Kent.We didn’t go to Greece.Only a friend’s father was with them.Jack and his friends flew by helicopter from Athens to Mykonos without any problems, and on the way back they did the same thing – flew on helicopter from Mykonos to Athens. Landing in Athens, Jack for some reason went to the back of the helicopter and it was the rear rotor that killed him. It was instant.”

Jack Fenton and friends were returning by helicopter from Mykonos to Athens, where a private jet was waiting for them to fly to the UK. The first helicopter was carrying the victim and three of his friends. In the second, which followed him, flew the parents of one of Jack’s friends. After negotiations between the pilots in connection with the tragedy, he landed in the Eleftherios Venizelos so that his passengers would not face a shocking spectacle – only a few seconds had passed since Jack’s tragic death.

The mother of the deceased young man notes that the previous evening, friends were really at a party, but on Monday he did not drink anything but water all day. He and his friends were sober.

According to Daily MailGreek investigators say the teen may have run towards the helicopter despite warnings to stop to take a selfie. But one of the guy’s three friends, Jack Stanton-Gleaves, denied this claim:

“No instructions were given when exiting the helicopter and no one escorted us to the waiting room. All they did was open the doors for us. We disembarked on our own and no one prevented Jack from going to the back of the helicopter. None of us didn’t make it to the waiting room before the crash happened I heard people say Jack was on the phone and ran back to the helicopter but that’s absolutely not true He wasn’t on the phone and I don’t know why he came back “.

In the meantime, a preliminary investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident in Spata has been scheduled. It is only known for certain that the young man approached the back of the helicopter while the propellers were operating and was hit in the back of the head, which turned out to be fatal – the unfortunate Briton died on the spot, writes newsbeast.gr. Jack’s sister Daisy Fenton told dailymail.co.uk:

“Jack was not some rich, spoiled kid. He was invited to this holiday. It was his first helicopter flight. So you can imagine how careful he was, if anything … Everything else that he came running and violated the protocols is nonsense. No one knows for sure what drove him back (i.e. into the tail of the helicopter). Maybe he forgot something. But the idea that he came back to take a selfie is nonsense. It’s a lie”.

Helicopter pilot friend Yorgos Hiotakis, a professional pilot with 30 years of experience, puts forward a new version of the tragic accident in Spata that claimed the life of British tourist Jack Fenton, and says:

“A group of four people were walking, heading to the right place. And suddenly a British tourist, of his own free will, returned to the helicopter, presumably holding a mobile phone in his hand. The rest shouted to him:” No, no, no …”. The pilot of another The helicopter tried to catch up with him as he was about to pass under the helicopter’s propeller, but didn’t catch up.The prop hit the guy on the head and he died tragically.The helicopter landed, the propellers were working, two ground flight attendants came and another pilot showed the passengers where to go. The distance to the designated waiting area for passengers is 10 meters.As you understand, each passenger is not a prisoner, we do not keep them in chains, we do not pull their ears.So we politely open the doors for them and indicate to the passengers where they should go.I can’t accept what his friends say, that no one said where to go. Because everyone was in the right place and one went to the wrong place. May this never happen again.”

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