July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Corinth Canal reopens after two years of inactivity

Corinth’s ship management system has reported that the first 200 successful canal crossings are already a fact, and the number is expected to reach 6,500 by October.

The goal set by the authorities is to “historical canal of greece has become a reference center for global shipping, providing customers with safe, reliable, integrated and streamlined services in line with global standards.”

At the same time, steps are being taken to promote tourism in a wider area for the sustainable development of the region. newsit.gr.

“We have reopened with absolute security and are once again providing our customers with a fully updated and reliable service,” emphasized Georgios Zuglis, CEO of the Corinth Canal Company (AEDIK), continuing: “From Monday July 4th to Friday, the canal served about 200 various types of vessels, tourist or commercial, of which more than 20 are foreign. Presumably from the first days of putting the canal into operation and until mid-October, from 6 to 6.5 thousand of its crossings by all types of vessels will be served. At the same time, according to the plan, after the first quarter, the operation of the canal will be stopped again in order to start the second stage of restoration work.

According to the CEO: “The problem we encountered was repeated subsidence (landslides) of the ground in late 2019 and early 2020, which, in fact, forced us to close the channel and contact the relevant ministries to resolve this issue once and for all “.

Speaking about the progress of the work, Mr. Zuglis explains: “The solution that was given was a difficult and complex project to restore and strengthen the walls of the canal at the site of the landslides. Huge volumes of soil were removed to prevent another collapse. Work is being carried out on a 1 km section, in an area where 95% of landslides have occurred over the past 20 years. The second phase includes port work as well as supporting the base of the slopes to prevent future soil erosion.”

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