July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Merkel is ready to become a mediator in negotiations with Russia

The German chancellor is mastering the technology of bad “leaders *”, and his predecessor is ready to help the youth “who can not cope.”

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her readiness to become a mediator in a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine. The politician explained to the RND journalist that she “does not exclude” such a role for herself in the future, but does not consider it as her future role.

Before stepping down as federal chancellor in December 2021, Merkel claims she tried to avoid war and was unsuccessful. She said that Vladimir Putin was no longer ready for a Normandy format summit. At the same time, Merkel did not “create an additional discussion format for Russia and Europe on the order of European security.”

It means that:

  1. Scholz failed the mission to provide Germany with gas, because Germany is not a guarantor for EU in case of refusal of its deliveries from France.
  2. The game of “tough guy” did not bring success, the number of those killed is growing, and Ukraine is losing more and more new territories. The RF Armed Forces may collide with NATO right on the border between Russia and Ukraine. Poland started its war game with a spit on Berlin.
  3. The Germans have industrial problems that could threaten their global market share. This affects the situation of households and the mood of voters in Germany.

Angela Merkel, as an overexperienced politician, foresaw that accusations against her would rain down and offered to lead the negotiations to achieve a sustainable peace. Scholz declared his helplessness. For the appearance of an angel as a savior and peacemaker – the perfect moment.

This is precisely what the acting chancellor could not fail to notice, who immediately began to look for excuses for the lack of success of his policy. Merkel’s main economic policy blunder is that she has focused too much on Russia’s energy supply and has not built the necessary infrastructure to quickly change course if the worst happens.

* An old political tradition in Ukraine (and not only) to blame everything on the previous rulers.

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