September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Azerbaijani gas went via pipeline from Greece to Bulgaria

Bulgaria received the first trial supply of Azerbaijani gas from Greece, the full volume of which will be pumped before the end of this month.

This was reported by the Bulgarian radio station BNRreferring to the testimonies of his correspondent:

“A trial volume of gas will be pumped through the pipeline by the end of June.”

In April, Gazprom completely cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. The reason is the refusal of these countries to pay for blue fuel in rubles. Gazprom Export has notified Bulgargaz and PGNiG of the suspension of gas supplies – from April 27 until payment is made in accordance with the procedure established decree of the Russian president.

The construction of the Greece-Bulgaria Interconnector (IGB) gas pipeline was planned to be completed in early 2021, its commercial operation was scheduled for July 2021. Then the commissioning dates were postponed to the end of 2021. However, in December, the completion of the IGB construction was delayed by several months due to the pandemic – due to a delay in the import of materials.

The Greece-Bulgaria pipeline will be connected to the planned floating LNG storage and regasification station at Alexandroupoli (FSRU). The initial capacity of the gas pipeline is 3 billion cubic meters of gas per year with the potential to expand to 5 billion cubic meters.

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