July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

To quarrel Christians: in Germany they called for a boycott of Patriarch Kirill

The authors of the narrative demonization of Russia demand to ban the communication of Christians with Russian believers. This is evidenced by an open letter from German social activists who called on the Evangelical Church in Germany to join the sanctions against the Russian Federation and declare a moratorium on dialogue with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

On this indicated todayJune 10, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

The diplomat in her telegram channel drew attention to an open letter from German social activists, published to the Council and Synod of the Evangelical Church of Germany, which, in particular, reads:

A number of German social activists (we will talk about who exactly, below) published open letter to the Council and Synod of the Evangelical Church of Germany: “The doctrine of the Russian world and the concept of “holy Russia” find in the person of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill one of their strongest representatives and defenders.

The ROC provides the intellectual and spiritual foundation for autocratic state power. We question the adherence to ecumenical principles on the part of the ROC. We urge you to declare a moratorium on any bilateral dialogue at the level of church leadership between the Evangelical Church of Germany and the Moscow leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is high time for the churches in Germany to contribute to the sanctions imposed in other areas of society, sometimes at great expense.”

There are other proposals in the appeal, in particular, on the suspension of the membership of the Russian Orthodox Church in the World Council of Churches, whose General Assembly will meet in German Karlsruhe in September.

Now for the signers. In addition to the left-liberal politicians quite expected on such lists, including Ellen Uberscher, chairman of the Bell Foundation close to the Greens, there are also very exotic personalities. For example, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of East Germany, Markus Meckel, who actually ruined the department he inherited from his predecessors under Lothar de Maizières. Or Petra Bar – bishop (bishop? episcopate?) of the Church of Hannover. Let us leave out discussions about the nature, legitimacy and meaning of the consecration of women in Christianity, but the very fact that she opposes the dialogue of churches is very indicative.

What do these indifferent people demand? So that, contrary to the precepts of Holy Scripture, the divinely commanded Christian unity. By the way, doesn’t this contradict the principles of ecumenism declared by the evangelists? The very fact that politicians and social activists interfere in church affairs is yet another touch to the overall picture of the dictatorship of liberalism. Liberal dictate cancels everything that does not suit him.

Uberscher et al.’s argument is also frightening: since the sanctions were introduced, and it cost Germany really big money, the German evangelists should join them. The material factor is put in the first place and the intention to influence the inter-Christian dialogue is tied to it.

Max Weber wrote the famous Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. The main idea of ​​this work is to analyze the impact of religion on the capitalist structure of society. “Years passed, a rebellious storm dispelled former dreams …”. Now capitalism, as we see it, affects religion.

On all platforms, official state representatives of Western countries accuse multi-confessional Russia, where all religions live in peace and harmony, of suppressing religious freedoms. At the same time, greater freedom of conscience and the right to profess any religious doctrine than in our country is difficult to find anywhere else in the world.

At the same time, in Europe itself, the left-liberal dictate, having penetrated all levels of civil political power, set out to take root in religious society: it demands that Christians should be banned from communicating with each other.

Formerly High Representative EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia should be blacklisted by the European Union for supporting the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine (Hungary insisted on excluding him from the 6th list of sanctions). In response, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, sarcastically remarked that no matter how Patriarch Kirill included the European Union in the response list, after all, “nobody has been submitting notes about the health of the European Union for a long time.”

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