September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Reuters: The price of souvlaki reached 3.30 euros per piece

The high prices of traditional Greek “street food” souvlaki have been the subject of a detailed Reuters report. The publication speaks of a 30% increase compared to last summer.

A well-known agency’s detailed report details that souvlaki, arguably the most famous Greek dish, is now selling for €3.30 each. This increase is explained by the vertical growth of inflation, which reached its highest level in the last 28 years.

Reuters details that “the classic dish of meat, tzatziki, tomatoes and onions now costs 30% more than last summer.” The cost of basic ingredients, flatbread, meat, vegetables and sunflower oil, has risen sharply in recent times as both the pandemic and the situation in Ukraine have upset the balance of supply chains.

Also included in the report is a statement from Thanasis Golas, owner of a grilled eatery located in central Athens, who notes that “Greek customers have dropped significantly. I think we’ll have to close the business.”

A permanent resident of Greece with a salary of 720 euros states that “in the past I bought two or three kebabs / souvlaki, and today I buy one, because they have risen in price a lot.”

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