July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Zakharova: We will adequately respond to the expulsion of our diplomats from Greece

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the deportation of 12 Russian diplomats an “unprecedented step” in Russian-Greek relations.

In his statement Zakharova sharply criticized Athens after 12 employees diplomatic and consular missions of the Russian Federation were declared “persona non grata”.

Statement by Maria Zakharova on the deportation of Russian diplomats

“This is a truly unprecedented step in Russian-Greek relations. This only confirms how diligently the Greek authorities are pursuing a course towards dismantling our bilateral multifaceted and mutually beneficial cooperation. It is sad that centuries-old historical, cultural and economic ties are being instantly sacrificed in the name of “transatlantic solidarity” “, – Zakharova said in an appeal after a statement by the Russian Ambassador to Greece A. Maslov.

“There is no doubt that those who made the unreasonable decision to expel our personnel from the country wanted to sow discord between the Russian and Greek peoples. Despite the fact that everything is now being done to discredit Russia, cause the maximum possible damage to our bilateral relations and reduce our diplomatic missions, we are convinced that in the long term these schemes are doomed to failure. Athens bears full responsibility for this hostile step,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

“We will respond adequately,” M. Zakharova summed up the statement.

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