September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

10% of Athenians use cannabis, sewage analysis shows

Every tenth inhabitant of Attica smokes cannabis, in most cases – poor quality.

Cannabis is the most popular substance in the drug category, whether we are talking about “hard” or “soft”. This was confirmed by Nikos Tomaidis, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry at EKPA, in an interview with Stavros Theodorakis, speaking on the Alpha channel, the newspaper writes.

Asked about the latest data, he stressed: “Consumers are 10% of the population of Athens.” Regarding the quality of cannabis, he noted: “Our data show that they are equivalent to the data of the European Narcotics Monitoring Center. In recent years, cannabis on the European market has been of poor quality – at least lower than in previous years.”

To the question “why is this being done?” the answer was: “Cannabis cultivation and trafficking seem to have some problems, although it is a narcotic substance that is consumed more than any other.”

The professor also described the increase in consumption over time: “Since March 2020, we have been thinking about analyzing wastewater monthly to see if we have any changes in the use of psychoactive substances in a pandemic. We have found that we have an increase in cannabis consumption from September to March. And from April to August, there is a decrease.”

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