September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Serres: courier got head injury instead of money for delivery

Three distributors were severely beaten in Serres yesterday afternoon, Monday, one of them hospitalized with a head injury.

The deliveryman of the order arrived at the address on a motorcycle. Near the house there was a group of about 10 people who greeted him with shouts and calls to come. Not suspecting anything bad, the courier thought that these were the customers waiting for him and approached.

However, when he asked for money, he heard in response that they had agreed to pay at the store. The distributor wanted to call the store to clarify this information and asked the company not to disperse, but at that moment they began to beat him.

After a while, two more couriers drove up here, directed to find out why the first one was delayed and did not answer phone calls. Before the arrival of the police, they also got it – one had an eyebrow cut with a sharp object, both had numerous bruises.

The first injured courier was taken to the hospital and hospitalized in the surgical department with a blunt force trauma to the head. The rest received medical attention and were sent home. According to, the Serres Police Department is investigating the incident.

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