July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How much antibody level decreases during the third month after full vaccination

A new study shows the need for a third dose of coronavirus vaccine, as the antibody titer drops to about half during the third month after the second dose of the vaccine, and after the fourth month the antibodies almost disappear.

In smokers, people with hypertension, or type 2 diabetes, antibody levels drop sharply by the first month after vaccination. This was stated by the head of the study, professor of pathology, chairman of the board of the Elpis hospital (Νοσοκομείου “Ελπίς”) Panayotis Halvatsiotis.

The study was conducted at medical facilities in Athens and Messinia during the third wave of coronavirus. It was attended by 612 medical volunteers, mostly women (66.8%). Of these: medical personnel (34%), nursing staff (45.6%) and administrative personnel (20.4%).

The average age of participants for both Athens and Messinia was 47 years. According to the professor, volunteers served in various health structures of Athens (50.3%) and Messinia (49.7%). In Athens, the staff of Νοσοκομείου “Ελπίς” and PGN ATTIKO took part in the scientific study, and in Messinia – volunteers from the Main Hospital of Kalamata and the Main Hospital of Kyparissia, from the medical centers of Kalamata, Messinia, Pylos and from the rehabilitation center ΔΙΑΠΛΑΣΗ. 96.7% of participants received the Pfizer vaccine, 2.3% from Johnson & Johnson, and 1% received other available vaccines.

Vaccination is required every 3 months
“The aim of our study was to find out how long vaccination adequately protects the human body (especially medical personnel who work with patients on a daily basis and are at increased risk due to more frequent exposure to coronavirus). We also wanted to know if there are any specific categories of volunteers who are at higher risk, either because of their work, for example in Covid clinics, or because of an underlying medical condition that led to a faster drop in antibody levels. ” – says the professor.

According to the results of the study, according to Mr. Halvatsiotis, after the 4th or 5th months after the vaccine, the level of antibodies in first-line medical workers becomes low (protection decreases).

Therefore, “a new strain, such as Omicron, can strike.” And we need to be ready to attack and well protected. Vaccination every 3 months, and maybe a shorter period of time, especially for medical workers, is considered necessary. ” According to the professor, the study will soon be published in a major foreign scientific journal.

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