July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vaccination of children 5-11 years old begins in 75 districts

Today, Wednesday, December 15, they begin to vaccinate against coronavirus for children aged 5-11 years. Greece receives the first 60,000 doses of Pfizer / BioNTec childhood vaccines.

Since December 10th, thousands of parents have logged onto the emvolio.gov.gr platform and made an appointment to vaccinate their children. The vaccine given to children contains 1/3 of the adult dose. And the scheme used is two doses with an interval of 21 days. In the case of a child’s illness, vaccination is carried out after three months.

In terms of side effects, experts say that after 11 million doses have been administered worldwide, they are similar to those of standard vaccines. That is, a slight increase in body temperature or a local reaction at the injection site.

Vaccination centers in 75 regions
Children are vaccinated in primary health care facilities and in hospitals. In the first stage, specialized centers for the vaccination of children will be created in 75 districts of Greece. Their number will gradually increase.

In Attica, vaccinations will be carried out at 5 points: at the Agia Sophia Children’s Hospital, at the Pentelis Children’s Hospital, at Voul Asklepion, at the Agia Sophia Health Center in Piraeus and at the Peristeri Health Center στο Κέντρο Υγείας Αγίας Σοφίας στον Πειραιά και στο Κέντρο Υγείας Περιστερίου).

Also, on the islands and in remote areas, “field vaccinations” will be applied when a medical team arrives at the place of residence of citizens.

It is noted that the national vaccination committee gave a positive and unanimous opinion on the vaccination of children in this age group. The recommendation is based on the fact that vaccines will help protect children themselves, while at the same time helping children to attend school and all social events.

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