July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Huge fish caught in lake Polifitu in Kozani

A huge carp weighing 24 kg was “fished out” by a fisherman in the lake Polifit in Kozani.

As it became known, Mr. Petros from Ptolemaida, who almost went crazy with joy after seeing such a noble trophy, said: “Having caught a carp weighing 24.3 kg, I broke my individual record after 2.5 years!

Fishing is my passion. There are many emotions, but joy and satisfaction from the activity, being in nature prevail. Catching a fish, and especially this size, believe me, is not easy! It takes a lot of patience and perseverance, looking for fish “trophies” in various regions of Northern Greece, regardless of the weather, month, day, family commitments, availability of funds, etc. I am glad that such “whales” are found in our extremely poor lakes, and I managed to catch one, pull it ashore, pick it up and take a picture with it!

I thank my family for their support and faith in me, and especially my wife Yanna for her inexhaustible patience and understanding that she showed over the years when I was away from home doing my favorite hobby. “

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