September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ENFIA: 6 out of 10 Greeks have real estate up to 60,000 euros

The overwhelming majority of Greeks, or rather 6 out of 10, own real estate with an objective value of up to 60,000 euros, according to statistics obtained as a result of processing ENFIA reports.

On the other hand, only 0.21% of 6,155,209 people who have to pay ENFIA this year have real estate worth over 1 million euros.

The cost of real estate is calculated on the basis of current objective prices, and with the use of new, increased, objective values ​​from January 1, 2022, the picture will change dramatically. However, the government, through the changes under consideration, has emphasized that the goal is to reduce ENFFIA for the vast majority of property owners with low or medium value properties.

Analysis of statistical data shows that:

4,751,036 taxpayers own real estate with a total objective value of up to 60,000 euros. For them this year there was a 30% discount on the final amount of ENFIA. They make up 66.17% of the total taxpayers, and the average amount they have to pay is 83.29 euros. 343,406 taxpayers own real estate with an objective value of 60,000.01 to 70,000 euros. For these taxpayers this year and last year there was a 27% discount on the final amount of ENFIA. They represent 4.78% of the total, with an average tax amount of 248.50 euros. 283,317 taxpayers own real estate in the amount of 70,000.01 to 80,000 euros and have a 25% discount on the ENFIA tax. They make up 3.95% of the total, and the average tax they have to pay is 288.45 euros. 1,787,420 taxpayers own real estate with a total value of 80,000.01 to 1,000,000 euros. They received a 20% discount on the final payment to ENFIA and are due to pay out 1.299 billion euros. The number of owners of high-end real estate is 24.89%. And the average amount of tax accrued to the relevant category of citizens is 726.92 euros. 14 830 – the smallest number of owners, the total value of the property exceeds 1,000,000 euros. In this category, in fact, there is an increase in comparison with last year by 490 people. For taxpayers with real estate over 1 million euros, a 10% discount was applied to the final amount of ENFIA. They make up only 0.21% of the total number of taxpayers, and the average amount of tax that they will pay is 15 596.37 euros.

The most important change that will take place from 2022 is that with the inclusion of an additional tax in the main tax, there will be no “double taxation” for owners with properties worth more than 250,000 euros.

Although, of course, this does not mean that everyone with a lot of real estate will be completely exempt from paying the additional tax.

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