September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Details of the murder in Zakynthos: 27-year-old gunner arrested

With the consent of the investigator and the prosecutor, it was decided to detain a 27-year-old Zakynthian by birth for her participation in the bloody attack on the married couple Korfiatis in June 2020.

May 7, 2021 on the island of Zakynthos, a 54-year-old businessman was shot from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The man died on the spot. The second attempt by the mafia hitmen was successful. In 2019, he was shot several times, but he was able to survive, but his wife died.

The suspect arrived at the Zakynthos police station yesterday afternoon, accompanied by her lawyer, and was handed over to the authorities as a warrant for her arrest was issued. The accused was taken into custody.

Presumably the young woman was the “gunner” because, according to police sources, she was tracking the couple and relaying information to the criminals, which ultimately led to the murder of 37-year-old Christina Klutsinioti.

Events in connection with a crime committed in the past. Help “Russian Athens”

May 7, 2021 on the island of Zakynthos, a 54-year-old businessman was shot from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The man died on the spot. The second attempt by the mafia hitmen was successful. In 2019, he was shot several times, but he was able to survive, but his wife died.

The murder of “Kallergaina”, the “queen” of brothels in Athens, the robbery of the current mayor of Zakynthos for 550,000 euros, murders, explosions, arson, blackmail and drugs attributed to the “mafia” of Zakynthos, are strongly associated with businessman Dionysus Corfiatis.

Chronicle of the murder. Professional killers

A silver Fiat Panda with tinted windows, in which two criminals were traveling, arrived at 11:30 at the intersection of Filikon and Kolyva streets in the center of Zakynthos. At this address is the accounting office where Dionysus Korfiatis came to meet. The businessman’s security guard, whom he hired after his assassination attempt last year, smoked on the street.

The passenger of the car came out with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in his hands and was the first to shoot at the guard (for some reason he missed, although he shot at point-blank range). Then the killer started shooting straight from the street, approaching the entrance. Dionysus Korfiatis received several fatal wounds. Going inside the room, the killer made a control shot in the head. In total, 28 7.62 mm casings from a Kalashnikov assault rifle were found at the crime scene.

The way they killed the 54-year-old man points to the “handiwork” of professionals. With calculated and cold-blooded movements, the performer first neutralized the victim’s bodyguard by firing at him, then with two bullets broke the glass door of the office and, finally, discharged the Kalashnikov assault rifle clip into the victim. It all took less than 10 seconds.

Immediately after that, the criminals disappeared, and a few minutes later they set fire to the car, which they left behind the Ampelokipi cemetery, about 6 km from the murder site. In the cabin, they left 2 Kalashnikov assault rifles: 1 of them, with an empty clip, was used in the murder, and the second was found with a full clip.

The fact that they had two submachine guns shows that they took insurance in case one of them was injured or in the event of police pursuit.

The brother of the murdered businessman recounts the attack: “My brother was near a shopping center in Zakynthos, there are many shops, it is a very busy place. Dionysus entered the accounting office, the killers drove up in a Fiat Panda. They stopped, fired at the office door, went inside, killed him, got out and drove away … That’s all. Now my three nephews will remain orphans and on their father’s side – their mother was killed last summer. “

Who was the slain Dionysus Corfiatis

The murdered Dimis Korfiatis was a fairly well-known figure in the local criminal community. In 2004, he was charged with the murder of Vaiya Zisi, the “queen” of brothels in Athens. Unidentified persons executed her on 18 April 2004 near her home in Patisia. Dionysus Corfiatis bought from her a hotel that she built in Zakynthos.

“Kallergaina”, as she was called, since her first brothel was on Callergi Street, returned from Zakynthos three days before the murder, where she left to receive the money owed to her in the amount of 603,000 euros, which were never found with her. Dionysus Korfiatis was accused of murder, as he was considered the most interested person, but he was eventually acquitted by the court in 2010.

It is believed that after the events surrounding the death of Vaiya Zisi, Korfiatis made a deal with the investigation and became a police informant. It is also known that Dionysus Korfiatis warned the police about the alleged robberies of ATMs on the island.

Also, with his revelatory testimony, he pointed to the perpetrators of the robbery of the mayor of Zakynthos. It happened in April 2016 in the city center. The mayor of the island walked down the street with a small bag containing 550,000 euros, intended to pay for the construction of the Aretakiou school in mountainous Zakynthos. At some point, he was attacked by a man who managed to pick up a bag of money.

Dionysus Korfiatisa testified that the robbers, a police officer and a 29-year-old Albanian, were imprisoned.

First assassination attempt

This is the second (known to the authorities) attempt to liquidate an “overly talkative” businessman. Last year, assassins ambushed the Agios Sostis area. They cold-bloodedly shot the car in which Dionysus and his 37-year-old wife were traveling. He was seriously wounded, having received 2 bullets – 1 in the back and 1 in the face, but the doctors managed to save him. His wife also received several bullets, which were fatal.

And as the case continued to be investigated, a certain young lady came under the scrutiny of the authorities, who will have to tell everything she knows about the crimes. And the police, accordingly, will understand and reveal the degree of guilt of the arrested person.

The murder of “Kallergaina”, the “queen” of brothels in Athens, the robbery of the current mayor of Zakynthos for 550,000 euros, murders, explosions, arson, blackmail and drugs attributed to the “mafia” of Zakynthos, are firmly connected with businessman Dionysus Corfiatis.

Chronicle of the murder. Professional killers

A silver Fiat Panda with tinted windows, in which two criminals were traveling, arrived at 11:30 at the intersection of Filikon and Kolyva streets in the center of Zakynthos. At this address is the accounting office where Dionysus Korfiatis came to meet. The businessman’s security guard, whom he hired after his assassination attempt last year, smoked on the street.

The passenger of the car came out with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in his hands and was the first to shoot at the guard (for some reason he missed, although he shot at point-blank range). Then the killer started shooting straight from the street, approaching the entrance. Dionysus Korfiatis received several fatal wounds. Going inside the room, the killer made a control shot in the head. In total, 28 7.62 mm casings from a Kalashnikov assault rifle were found at the crime scene.

The way they killed the 54-year-old man points to the “handiwork” of professionals. With calculated and cold-blooded movements, the performer first neutralized the victim’s bodyguard by firing at him, then with two bullets broke the glass door of the office and, finally, discharged the Kalashnikov assault rifle clip into the victim. It all took less than 10 seconds.

Immediately after that, the criminals disappeared, and a few minutes later they set fire to the car, which they left behind the Ampelokipi cemetery, about 6 km from the scene of the murder. In the cabin, they left 2 Kalashnikov assault rifles: 1 of them, with an empty clip, was used in the murder, and the second was found with a full clip.

The fact that they had two submachine guns shows that they took insurance in case one of them was injured or in the event of police pursuit.

The brother of the murdered businessman recounts the attack: “My brother was near a shopping center in Zakynthos, there are many shops, it is a very busy place. Dionysus entered the accounting office, the killers drove up in a Fiat Panda. They stopped, fired at the office door, went inside, killed him, got out and drove away … That’s all. Now my three nephews will remain orphans and on their fathers – their mother was killed last summer. “

Who was the slain Dionysus Corfiatis

The murdered Dimis Korfiatis was a fairly well-known figure in the local criminal community. In 2004, he was charged with the murder of Vaiya Zisi, the “queen” of brothels in Athens. Unidentified persons executed her on 18 April 2004 near her home in Patisia. Dionysus Corfiatis bought a hotel from her, which she built in Zakynthos.

“Kallergaina”, as she was called, since her first brothel was on Callergi Street, returned from Zakynthos three days before the murder, where she left to receive the money owed to her in the amount of 603,000 euros, which were never found with her. Dionysus Korfiatis was accused of murder, as he was considered the most interested person, but in the end he was acquitted by the court in 2010.

It is believed that after the events surrounding the death of Vaiya Zisi, Korfiatis made a deal with the investigation and became a police informant. It is also known that Dionysus Korfiatis warned the police about the alleged robberies of ATMs on the island.

He also pointed out those responsible for the robbery of the mayor of Zakynthos with his revelatory testimony. It happened in April 2016 in the city center. The mayor of the island walked down the street with a small bag containing 550,000 euros, intended to pay for the construction of the Aretakiou school in mountainous Zakynthos. At some point, he was attacked by a man who managed to pick up a bag of money.

Dionysus Korfiatisa testified that the robbers, a police officer and a 29-year-old Albanian, were imprisoned.

First assassination attempt

This is the second (known to the authorities) attempt to liquidate an “overly talkative” businessman. Last year, assassins ambushed the Agios Sostis area. They cold-bloodedly shot the car in which Dionysus and his 37-year-old wife were traveling. He was seriously wounded, having received 2 bullets – 1 in the back and 1 in the face, but the doctors managed to save him. His wife also received several bullets, which were fatal.

And as the case continued to be investigated, a certain young lady came under the scrutiny of the authorities, who will have to tell everything she knows about the crimes. And the police, accordingly, will understand and reveal the degree of guilt of the arrested person.

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