September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vaccine: What Regards Changing and Canceling an Appointment

Many citizens have recently, for a number of reasons, decided to cancel or postpone the already appointed date of vaccination.

The main reason for canceling the visit to the vaccination center was the official announcement that in the near future certain age groups will be able to choose the vaccine.

Officials from the Ministry of the Digital Government confirmed to that the AMKA of citizens aged 40 to 44 has already been “loaded” into the system, as the vaccination procedure with all available drugs for groups of this age will be open from Friday.

According to Marios Themistokleous, after that the “baton” will be taken by citizens aged 35 to 39 years old and from 30 to 34 years old. Vaccination appointments for groups aged 20-29 are scheduled for June.

Vaccine: What Regards Changing and Canceling an Appointment
There is a special procedure for those planning to change or cancel an entry. Key points to know.

There are two ways to change the vaccination record:

You can change the appointment date 5 days (120 hours) before the appointed date. If someone decides to make changes, for example, two days before the meeting, then the platform will not allow the specified action to be performed (* στον οδηγό του αναγράφεται ότι είναι “3 ημέρει” θα “ανέβει” ο νέος οδηγός). Those. the registry on will indicate “3 days” and it will be possible to set a new date for vaccination. Otherwise, if the citizen decides to cancel the appointment. For this action, as well as for failure to appear, there are “penalties”. Until recently, it was the case that due to cancellation or no-show, citizens could not make an appointment for 30 days. Now, according to a source in the Ministry of Digital Government, the “fine” is 16 days.

Example: If someone makes an appointment and cancels it next Monday, May 24th, they will be able to schedule a new appointment on June 9th.

Instruction on the day of vaccination
On the day of the appointment, the citizen must arrange for their timely arrival at the Vaccination Center, at least 15 minutes before the appointment time, in order to facilitate a smooth vaccination process and avoid any delays.

It is noted that on the day of admission, a citizen must:

Bring your identity card, police passport or other official document with you.
Know your ID number, social security registration number (AMKA), or tax registration number (TIN). Carry the QR code generated at the time of your appointment, in printed or electronic form (text message or email).

Attention! Note from the author.

All this is good, but nowhere is it said that ANY vaccination is a load on the human immune system.

If you have had a cold, for example, and have been taking antibiotics, it is recommended to get the vaccine AFTER 1 month after taking the drugs. Also, if you have any ailments, it is better to postpone your visit to the Vaccination Center.

Recall that in other countries (in particular, in Russia), before being vaccinated, a citizen is interviewed by a doctor who looks at a person’s medical history. Further, based on these health conditions, the doctor RECOMMENDS or NO vaccination.

You yourself cannot take on such a responsibility (decide whether vaccination is “useful” for your body at the moment or can harm).

As an example (from personal experience based on my friends). The person who suffered a heart attack was approved for vaccination, and his wife (who only had varicose veins) was banned.

And yet, for an elderly man who had a history of thrombosis and was rescued, the doctors PERMITTED to be vaccinated (and with AstraZeneca). He has already received two vaccinations, and his state of health is normal.

Check with your doctor before setting the date of vaccination, discuss your current state of health, so that, God forbid, there are no “unpleasant surprises” after vaccination, which we have heard of.

Take care of your health!

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