July 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Switzerland gets rid of beggars, but the EU is against

Switzerland has found an unusual way to get rid of beggars on the streets, but the European Union is shocked by this news, says Basler Zeitung.

In the Swiss city of Basel, they thought for a long time how to solve the problem with street beggars, and came up with it. They offered an original solution: everyone is given a free ticket to any European country in exchange for a written promise not to return. Toprak Eruz, a spokesman for the local Department of Justice and Security, as reported by RIA Novosti, said:

“They are signing a pledge not to return to Switzerland – at least for a specified length of time.”

If the promise is broken, the returnees face deportation. It is not yet clear whether there are those who want to leave the country, which has one of the highest salaries in the world, and, accordingly, beggars live there very well. In October 2020, the people of Geneva enthusiastically supported the introduction of a minimum wage per hour of CHF 23. This means that, in terms of dollars, an employee will receive at least 4.1 thousand per week. This minimum wage will be the highest in the world: 3 times higher than in the United States, and 2 times higher than the maximum wage in the UK.

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