September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Surprises prepared by Ivan Savvidi

Ivan Savvidis conducts his business in Thessaloniki and throughout Northern Greece, and according to Έθνος, important business news will be published soon, which will be a pleasant surprise.

This conclusion was made after an online meeting that Mr. Savvidis held with the heads of his companies in Greece. The meeting took place with senior executives from all of his business ventures based in the country. Ethnos informs: “Ivan Savvidis, in addition to identifying new goals and prospects of the Dimera group, had the opportunity to thank the leaders of his group of enterprises for their contribution to the development of companies, to exchange wishes with them on the pre-Easter days.”

It is emphasized that Mr. Savvidis, having negotiated with each company separately, noted that yesterday’s meeting was of particular importance, both symbolic and substantive.

And this is because at this stage, a whole package of projects worth hundreds of millions of euros “works” in the full range of Dimera Group companies. Among them are projects to modernize pier 6 in the port of Thessaloniki, which will increase its dynamics. The company is in the process of selecting a contractor and is expected to start implementing the project soon.

In addition to Thessaloniki, Dimera Group is actively involved in the privatization of a number of other ports in northern Greece, with Igoumenitsa taking the first place in the list of priorities, and developments in this direction are expected in the very near future.

In June, Porto Carras opens for the first time as the property of the Dimera Group. The company is preparing for the next step, which is not only the modernization of the hotel, but also the development of real estate operations in the area, with the aim of making Porto Carras one of the best destinations in the entire Mediterranean.

Finally, Souroti is showing activity as the Dimera Group plans a brand renewal and an impressive increase in its market share.

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