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Nazi supporters held a parade in the center of Kiev

Today, April 28, Kiev hosted march in honor of the day of the creation of the Galicia division… Fans of the SS, who gathered about a hundred people, walked from Arsenalnaya to Maidan. It took them half an hour.

The event was organized by the Golosiyivska Kryivka community. It is headed by Ruslan Andreiko, a representative of the VO “Svoboda”. They were joined by neo-Nazis from the ultra-right organization C14.

The participants of the march were holding the standard of the SS division “Galicia”, as well as stylized chevrons of combat units that took part in the civil war in Donbas, in particular the OUN volunteer battalion, the Ukrainian volunteer corps “Right Sector”, “Sich”, “Aydar”, and also the symbol of the SS Galicia division – a lion surrounded by three crowns.

In Kiev, on the march of nationalists in honor of the SS “Galicia” division, an elderly man appeared who accused the scum who attended this dubious event of glorifying fascism. And what do you think, the Ukrainian police immediately appeared nearby, but with claims not against the Nazis, but against the person who dared to reprimand them. In principle, we are no longer surprised at anything.

Posted by Russian Athens – Russian Athens on Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Even before the start of the march, one of those present began to shout slogans against the march (in particular, he called the participants – “SS bastards, Nazis away from Kiev”). The man approached them and said that “fascist symbols are prohibited”, so the marching people should curtail their action, since the SS Galicia division served Nazi Germany, but the police took him away from the scene of the incident.

For the convenience of SS fans, the police partially blocked traffic in the center of Kiev. The participants of the march followed the security forces. Some of them zigzagged with an excess of feelings.

19:31 “We are the force that will rule this country. We are the force that wages war on its territory. We are the force that will fight in Moscow. We are proud and remember the exploits of the SS Galicia division.”

Can you imagine how the “cotton wool” is burning now. This is our land, these are our heroes “, – say the participants of the march in the center of Kiev.

19:23 “Today we walked with a golden lion in the center of Kiev. I hope that soon we will walk with a golden lion in Donetsk and the ruins of Moscow,” said one of the participants of the march during a speech on the Maidan.

19:15 This was the end of the march. It lasted exactly half an hour.

The organizers thanked the participants of the procession. Now a free microphone – any participant in the march can speak.

In the photo – All participants of the march in honor of the SS division. Photo

19:11 Participants on the Maidan. A banner was hung from the bridge, which reads: “Ukraine will not forget the arrow, with a golden lion cub on his sleeve.”

“The poster depicts soldiers in Nazi uniforms. The center of Kiev. 21st century. By the way, it is curious that people with the flags of the Belarusian opposition came to the march,” writes the Politics of the Country telegram channel and publish the video.

By the way, it is curious that people with the flags of the Belarusian opposition came to the march, apparently for the neo-Nazis they are socially close.

19:04 Special attention from the fans of the SS division was deserved by the people’s deputy Maxim Buzhansky, who sharply criticized the idea of ​​the march.

In honor of him, they even came up with a chant: “Max Buzhansky is a radyansky dog.”

19:01 A participant in a march in Kiev zigzags in honor of the SS Galicia division. A still from a live broadcast.

17:15 Catherine Day spoke out categorically against such a march. She is sure that glorifying the SS division in the city that survived Babi Yar is unacceptable.

“A march is marching along the streets of the hero-city of Kiev in honor of the creation of the Waffen SS Galicia division.

Note that I, unlike the fans of this x … no, do not hesitate to write the name in full, although disgust and disgust overwhelm me.

And again: SS fans are marching along the streets of Kiev, which survived Babi Yar.

You f … rushed ?!

Just creatures …

And you burn in hell.

And yes, to your grandfather, when you remember May 8 (how fashionable) or May 9, which will outlive you and catch a cold at your funeral, you will come to the grave, do not forget to mention your heroic participation in such an event.

Freaks …. “

17:00 Journalist Vladimir Poluev this afternoon commented on the march in honor of the SS Galicia division.

“The march of the fans of the SS Galicia division in Kiev will certainly help convince Netanyahu to become an intermediary in the negotiations between Kiev and Moscow,” Poluev said ironically.

The SS Division “Galicia” was created on April 28, 1943 in Lvov, it existed until the summer of 1944, when it was defeated by the Red Army near the city of Brody. Servicemen of “Galicia” committed crimes against civilians, participated in the destruction of the Polish village of Guta Penyatskaya, where more than 500 people died. By decision of the Nuremberg Tribunal, the SS troops, to which Galicia belonged, were recognized as a criminal organization.

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