September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

India: fire in intensive care hospital kills 13 people

A fire broke out in a hospital in the Indian city of Mumbai, where patients with COVID-19 were treated. His victims were 13 people, four were transported to another medical facility, according to AMPE.

Fire chief Morrison Hawari told AFP: “Seventeen patients were in the intensive care unit of Vijaya Vallaba hospital when the fire broke out, 13 of whom died and the other four were taken to other hospitals.”

According to preliminary data, the incident occurred at 3 am, caused by an explosion in the air conditioning unit. By 5:20 in the morning, the fire was extinguished by firefighters, and work is underway to eliminate its consequences.

Among the dead there are 5 women and 8 men, six of them are elderly people. Law enforcement agencies have launched an investigation into the tragic incident.

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