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Athens News

News in English from Greece

US Congress openly called for the overthrow of Lukashenka

That night, the House of Representatives of the US Congress adopted a resolution in support of the people of Belarus. Apparently, the failed coup attempt infuriated its organizers, as evidenced by this decision.

The full title of the resolution: “In support of the people of Belarus and their democratic aspirations, condemnation of election fraud and subsequent brutal repressions against peaceful protesters by the illegitimate Lukashenka regime.”

Congressmen stated that:

■ Do not recognize the result of the 2020 presidential election;
■ Call for the organization of new free and fair elections under OSCE supervision;
■ Call on the authorities to immediately release political prisoners, as well as to start a dialogue with opponents;
■ Recognize the Coordination Council as a legitimate participant in the dialogue with the authorities;
■ Call for increased sanctions and increased support for civil society;
■ Demand to conduct an international investigation of human rights violations in Belarus.

Last week, Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, announced earlier about a planned attempt on his life and his family members. He believes that the action was allegedly approved by the highest ranks of the United States. Russian President Vladimir Putin even raised this issue in an interview with American President Joe Biden, but he declined to answer.

The conspirators assumed that the active phase of the military coup in Belarus would be started by some “partisans” located in “hidden bases”, inform

The conspirators assumed that the active phase of the military coup in Belarus would be started by some “partisans” located in “hidden bases”, the FSB reported. Zenkovich planned to become the “curator” of the Belarusian parliament and the legal system, Feduta – to engage in political reform and ideological work. A large report by ONT about how the coup d’etat in Belarus on May 9 was prepared and how it was prevented.

Posted by Russian Athens – Russian Athens on Saturday, April 17, 2021

The conspirators assumed that the active phase of the military coup in Belarus would be started by some “partisans” located at “hidden bases”, the FSB reported.

Zenkovich planned to become the “curator” of the Belarusian parliament and the legal system, Feduta – to engage in political reform and ideological work. A large report by ONT about how the coup d’etat in Belarus on May 9 was prepared and was prevented.

❗️Lukashenko said that Putin, in a conversation with Biden, raised the issue of preparing an assassination attempt by the US special services on the President of Belarus, but

❗️Lukashenko said that Putin, in a conversation with Biden, raised the issue of the preparation of an assassination attempt by the US special services on the President of Belarus, but did not receive an answer

Posted by Russian Athens – Russian Athens on Saturday, April 17, 2021

Lukashenko said that in a conversation with Biden, Putin raised the issue of preparing an assassination attempt by the US special services on the President of Belarus, but did not receive an answer.

⚡️Lukashenko spoke about the arrest of a group planning an attempt on his children, the US special services were involved in this

⚡️Lukashenko spoke about the arrest of a group planning an attempt on his children, the US special services were involved in this

Posted by Russian Athens – Russian Athens on Saturday, April 17, 2021

Lukashenko spoke about the arrest of a group planning an attempt on his children, the US special services were involved in this.

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