September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Norway: death by Covid-19 of its ardent denier

Illegal gatherings of coronavirus deniers in the Norwegian commune of Gran led to the death of their organizer and the infection of at least 12 participants, according to the Daily Mail.

Hans Christian Garder, a 60-year-old resident of Norway, denied the seriousness of the coronavirus and in his posts on the network compared it to a common cold. He organized illegal meetings and rallies near his home with supporters who also do not believe in Covid-19, the newspaper says. The last of them took place on March 26 and 27.

National media reports that at least 12 people were infected by taking part in unsanctioned rallies and then transmitting the virus to people with whom they later came into contact. The police are trying to determine how many people actually attended the rallies and identify their possible contacts.

The publication informs that, according to the authorities, the organizer of the gatherings could have become infected several weeks ago and then spread the virus among his like-minded people. The death of a man is officially confirmed:

“A 60-year-old man living in Gran died after contracting the coronavirus. The man was not tested for coronavirus before his death, but it was later confirmed that he was infected with the virus. Two public events took place on Friday 26 and Saturday 27 March in a man’s premises. We do not know how many and who participated, but we ask the participants to take the test as soon as possible. “

The chief physician of the district clinic notes with bitterness:

“Death was a sad message that we must heed. This once again reminds us how dangerous a virus can be, and how important it is to endure strict measures for some time. “

Since mid-March, any gatherings of people have been banned in the area in order to fight the coronavirus. Norway reported 599 new cases of coronavirus and 18 deaths from its effects on Wednesday.

Garder is a well-known coronavirus denier in the country. He often appeared on television screens, actively communicated and wrote posts on social networks. The man who died from Covid-19 claimed that it was a common cold, which was easy to cope with, and urged that protective measures be ignored.

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