September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Great Britain: will Elizabeth II abdicate the throne

Elizabeth II is acutely worried about the death of Prince Philip’s husband, their marriage lasted 73 years. Whether the queen is planning to retire – the opinion of experts is quoted by Reuters.

After the death of the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen of Great Britain declares her spiritual emptiness. For many years, her husband has been her reliable support. However, 94-year-old Elizabeth II has no intention of abdicating the throne yet. At least the experts are sure of this.

Hugo Vickers, the royal historian, told Reuters: “I can assure you that the Queen will not give up the throne. She is in good health and, if she is lucky, she will be our queen for a long time to come. “

However, some media outlets openly declare that the Queen of Great Britain may abdicate the throne in the next 18 months. For example, the Sun newspaper writes, referring to sources close to the monarch, that they are not talking about this, but supposedly the process has already started.

The funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh will take place on April 17. Prince Harry also came to say goodbye to his grandfather. The ceremony will be held in a narrow circle and will be attended by no more than 30 people. Everyone who wants to say goodbye to Prince Philip will be able to watch the mourning event live at 15:00.

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