September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Killed for … the remark made to him

It is difficult to say whether the coronavirus is to blame, but the citizens are clearly “going crazy.” It happens that it is difficult to explain by coincidence of circumstances or mental illness.

There was a murder. The inhabitants of Cypressia are in shock. A perfectly normal elderly city dweller cold-bloodedly shot the store owner because he simply asked him not to “shout” (calm down and behave normally) at the point of sale.

The tragedy took place at about 12 noon. An elderly man entered a well-known retail chain’s equipment store, where, according to information, initially, he had a fight with an employee.

The 39-year-old owner asked the 72-year-old not to scream and calm down. The elderly man left, threatening, “You will regret it again.” He went to his home, took the pistol and returned to the store, where he shot and killed a 39-year-old man. The unfortunate Costas was happily married and recently became a father.

What will be the punishment for the elderly man is unknown. However, the fact that the young father is no longer alive can hardly redeem at least some kind of prison term.

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