September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Coronavirus: Masks for Life?

Not for life, but at least for many years the British epidemiologist predicts wearing masks, according to the Internet edition “The Independent”.

Mary Ramsay, British epidemiologist, head of immunization at the Department of Public Health in England, believes that the mask can become an indispensable attribute of our lives for many years, as, indeed, social distancing. According to her, writes “The Independent”, the normalization of the situation in the health sector is hardly possible for several more years. In addition, according to the expert, stabilization is achievable only with the proper level of vaccination, which the UK was able to achieve. Mary Ramsay notes:

“People are already used to these low-level constraints and can live with them, and the economy is still able to function under these less stringent rules. So I would say that, of course, it will be at least a few years until other parts of the world reach the same level of vaccination as we do, and the incidence rates go down everywhere. Only then will everything very gradually begin to return to normal. “

The epidemiologist warns that governments of all countries must “assess the situation very carefully before lifting any restrictions.” At the same time, each large-scale event in the future will require special and careful supervision over the situation, well-thought-out creation of clear instructions for observing security measures.

As of today, half of the UK adult population has already received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. On Friday, a kind of daily record was set – 711,156 people were vaccinated on that day. Matt Hancock, the country’s health minister, called it a “phenomenal achievement.” And Professor Chris Whitty recommends everyone to follow the basic rules:

“Simple measures like washing hands, wearing masks where appropriate, testing followed by patient tracking and, above all, getting vaccinated.”

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