September 23, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

US aircraft in the hands of the Taliban

Taliban militants have seized a number of US military helicopters, aircraft and missiles, al-Arabiya reported, citing its sources.

The US military leadership expresses concern in this regard, but does not yet plan to destroy the equipment, waiting for the completion of the evacuation, RIA Novosti reports. Sources at al-Arabiya have expressed doubts that the militants will be able to take advantage of the trophies:

“It may be difficult for the Taliban to use helicopters and airplanes, since there are no pilots, maintenance is also not available to the Taliban.”

Most likely, experts suggest, the United States plans to wait for the evacuation process, and then take further action – bombardment of warehouses, for example.

Ned Price, a spokesman for the US State Department, previously announced that the Taliban have announced their desire to take over the operating commercial airport in Kabul. The issue is being discussed. The Pentagon believes that there is a “significant threat” to the aircraft in Kabul.

The Kabul airport is currently controlled by US troops and the military of other NATO countries, using it to evacuate their citizens and allies among the local population. As a result of conflicts at the airport, 20 people have already died.

Those citizens of Afghanistan who were not lucky enough to fly away on evacuation flights, or at least get to the airport in the hope of waiting for such an opportunity, decided leave the country on foot. Thousands of people rushed to neighboring Pakistan, Iran and other countries by land. The UN report states that revitalizing the Taliban looking for people who worked for the previous government or NATO forces.

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