September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Couple arrested for armed robberies in Piraeus

On September 25, 2024, Piraeus police arrested a 34-year-old foreigner and his 43-year-old accomplice. The pair are suspected of a series of robberies they have carried out in the Piraeus area since August this year.

According to EL.ASduring the investigation it was established that the suspects acted mainly in pairs, with clear roles assigned to each individual. The robbers were driving a car. Their accomplice is wanted. The criminals chose stores when there were no customers in them and, threatening them with a bladed weapon (knife), took the money, after which they disappeared.

To date, four cases of robbery and theft have been solved. The investigation into their involvement in other similar crimes continues. The man had previously come to the attention of the authorities for similar offenses.

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