September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek seas have warmed significantly over the past 30 years

Over the past 30 years, the surface temperature of the Greek seas has increased by more than 1.5°C, according to meteorological data.

In some areas of the country, such as the sea areas south of Crete and Rhodes, the temperature increase trend exceeds 2 degrees. The study, conducted by Meteo scientists, was published in the journal Atmosphere. It is dedicated tochanges in the main climatic parameters in Greece in the period from 1991 to 2020In particular, the following are considered:Trends in temperature, precipitation and surface temperature of the Greek seas over the past three decades.

According to data analysed by the European Copernicus service, there is a trend towards an increase in average sea surface temperatures. This trend is also seen in various areas of the Greek seas.

On average and for all our seas, the temperature increase is about 1.5°C, but it varies depending on geography. In the Ionian Sea, as well as the waters of Thrace, the southern outskirts of Crete and Rhodes, the upward trend reaches and even exceeds 2°C. At the same time, in the Central and Southern Aegean Sea, the upward trend in sea water temperature is much smaller.

Rising sea temperatures have a significant impact on the marine ecosystemIn recent years, the rate of ocean warming has accelerated, leading to changes in the habitats of many marine species. Sardines and other marine life are forced to leave their usual habitats in search of cooler waters. This is because rising water temperatures affect food availability and oxygen levels in the water. For example, in the Mediterranean Sea and the tropical Atlantic Ocean, water temperatures are already above 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels.

Besides Rising sea temperatures lead to a decrease in oxygen levels, which creates unfavorable conditions for the life of many speciesThis phenomenon is especially noticeable in coastal areas, where so-called “dead zones” are observed, practically devoid of marine flora and fauna.

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