September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Christmas Benefit: 4 Categories of Citizens for Whom It Is Intended

In a few months, the beneficiaries will receive support from the state.

The process of providing the benefit is simple, and the citizen does not need to do anything to receive it. The money will be automatically credited to the accounts of the poor, without filing an application. It is expected that in a few months, before Christmas, the benefit will be paid to pensioners, as well as beneficiaries of benefits GUARDIANSHIP.

Pensioners with personal difference* (The term “προσωπική διαφορά” refers to pensions in Greece. It is the difference between the pension a pensioner receives under the old rules and the pension he would receive under the new rules established by the Katrougalos Law. If the pension under the old rules is higher than under the new ones, then this difference is called “προσωπική διαφορά”. In the future, when pensions increase, this difference will gradually decrease until it disappears completely)will receive a one-time benefit, and beneficiaries of OPEKA benefits will also receive an extraordinary benefit.

In fact, it is possible that the benefit to pensioners with a personal difference will be paid in the same amount as last year. This means that pensioners whose personal difference exceeds 10 euros will receive a one-time benefit of 200 euros, 150 euros and 100 euros, depending on the size of their pension. The benefit is proportional to the basic pension or the sum of the basic pensions. Four categories of beneficiaries:

  • Pensioners with a basic pension or an amount of up to 700 euros will receive 200 euros.
  • Pensioners with a basic pension or an amount between 700.01 and 1100 euros will receive 150 euros.
  • Pensioners with a basic pension or an amount between 1,100.01 and 1,600 euros will receive a benefit of 100 euros.
  • Beneficiaries of GUARDIANSHIP benefits.

It is emphasized that the recipients of the benefit will be pensioners who the remaining personal difference in the November pension exceeds 10 euros.

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