September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mitsotakis announces mobile phone boxes in Greek schools

This is how AI sees the situation

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced pilot blocking of mobile phones in schools during his next meeting with the President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou at the presidential palace.

I consider the government's commitment to ban the use of mobile phones during school hours to be very important, stressed Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

According to Kyriakos Mitsotakis: “I think it's very important that the government commits to banning mobile phones during school hours. From the moment a child goes to school until they leave. When we say 'mobile phone in bag', “We mean exactly that. It's not just an expectation, and it's certainly not a question of punishment. Today I saw the first suspension.”

Pilot project of special boxes

The Prime Minister added: “The question is that everyone – teachers, lecturers, parents and the children themselves – understand that this helps the learning process.”

Kyriakos Mitsotakis stressed that this is why the government wants parents' committees to become allies in this matter. “I have discussed with the Minister of Education and I am very positive about the fact that if there are such requests from parent committees, then at the first stage, as a pilot project, it will be possible to install lockers in a certain number of schools so that children can lock their phones when they go to school and take them away when they leave. But it is important that these measures are not imposed from the top down, but find a response from the school community itself.”– the Prime Minister concluded.


This is how AI sees the situation

Sakellaropoulou:State policy should be based on social justice”

President Katerina Sakellaropoulou stressed the need “to address the problem of bullying in schools, as cooperation between teachers and parents is needed.” She stressed that “public policy should be developed on the basis of social justice”.

From the author: I wonder if the state will take on the financing of these lockers or will it shift everything onto the parents? And if they choose the first option, will the supplier, as usual, be Mitsotakis' “godfather/matchmaker/brother” or will there still be a tender?

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